The speaker at the Jun 27 Rotary Meeting at Tri-County Insurance was Michael Markovitz, Chief/President of Tunkhannock Community Ambulance Association, Inc. (TCAA). He spoke about the ambulance service and the current hurdles it and other 911 EMS Response Ambulances in the area are facing.
Declining volunteerism necessitating the partial conversion to paid staff, increasing costs and Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements of only 1/3 of billed costs are a significant challenge. The funds going out to cover paid staff, equipment and building maintenance as well as Rescue and Water Rescue Services etc., are coming to a point of exceeding the funding coming in from all current sources.
The ambulance currently receives no tax support from the County, Townships or Boroughs. Its only sources of income are from medical billing for 911 EMS transportation, grants, donations and memberships.
Markovitz ended his presentation noting that the Ambulance Association Directors have been talking to County, Township, Borough, State and Federal Officials as well as others to determine the best approach to maintain these critical emergency services in Wyoming County. This may in turn require an EMS Tax of some sort to help offset and defray costs for these needed services, if other means are not found.
After his presentation, Rotary President Elaine Walker presented Chief Markovitz with a check for $1,000 to help support the services of the Tunkhannock Community Ambulance Association. Markovitz thanked the Rotary Club for their generosity.

President Elaine Walker presenting $1,000 check for TCAA to Chief Michael Markovitz.