On Sunday May 19, the Wyoming County District Attorney Joseph Peters hosted a Narcan Drive-thru event with the assistance of the Community Awareness Group.  This Group was formed by the DA, and includes: Tunkhannock Rotary, Wyoming County Human Services, Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce, Dietrich Theater, Wyoming County Community Health Foundation, Tunkhannock Area School District, Tunkhannock Business & Professional Women, and the Wyoming County Commissioners. 
DA Peters is a Tunkhannock Rotarian and Rotary has been orchestrating the community outreach and advertising for this Narcan give away to treat opioid emergencies.  In addition, Rotarian Brian Vnuk of Brand Graphic Solutions provided yard signage for this event.
After the event, DA Peters summarized its success as follows:  “Who came to pick up Narcan? There was a mom who lost her daughter and didn’t want to lose her other one, a grandmother raising her grandchild, a retired law enforcement officer, teachers, business people, students, parents and senior citizens...on and on, and each with a story. They heard about our event on the radio, the ad, the op-ed and yard signs. Over 80 boxes and info were distributed...that's 160 individual doses, out there and ready. We hope not one ever has to be used.”