On Thursday, Apr. 18 after the Thursday noontime Rotary Meeting and in anticipation of Earth Day on Apr 22, Rotarians gathered for their Spring Roadside Cleanup. Since 1997, the Tunkhannock Club has participated in the Adopt a Highway Program. In the Fall of 2023, the Club adopted a new 2-mile section of roadway from Dunkin Donuts to the NAPA field.
L to R Back Row: Dave Wilson, Dellana Diovisalvo, Harry Sharpe, Samantha Maruzzelli, Nina Sordoni, Glenn Holcombe, Terri Detrick, Scott Walburn, Stacy Huber, Michael Markovitz, John Proctor, Norm Kelly, Jill Tague. Front Row: President Elaine Walker, Judy Walburn, Mary Tempest and Ron Furman. Absent from the photo was Laura Charles who took the photo.