Tunkhannock Rotary is applying for a 2018-2019 Rotary District Grant to buy a QCPR Rescue Annie and Baby System for the Tunkhannock Ambulance Association (TAA). This system includes new mannequins that will be used to train people on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Amy Markovitz and Ben Hall are EMTs with the TAA and spoke at the May 24 Rotary luncheon. Amy is also their training officer.
Ben demonstrated CPR using their current old mannequin, where they can only see visually if one is doing it right. They use the song “Staying Alive” to get the right tempo for the compressions.
Then Ben did the same demo with the new QCPR baby mannequin that they had borrowed.  They showed what feedback they get on the computer monitor including: how good they are, compression depth, compression rate, hand placement and other salient facts. The system can also gauge respirations to get steady constant peaks of air. The QCPR system will give the best training available.

Amy Markovitz (left) and Ben Hall demonstrating the QCPR System