Candy Cane Day
Candy Cane Day

Every year on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), Tunkhannock Rotarians collect monetary donations from shoppers at various shopping locations within Tunkhannock to buy toys for kids for Christmas. Shoppers are offered candy canes as a treat for their donations. This fund-raising event has been undertaken by the Tunkhannock Rotary Club for more than 25 years.
Since 2009, Tunkhannock Interact Club members joined in to help raise money for "toys for local kids".
The money raised is divided between Interfaith Friends and Wyoming County Children & Youth to buy Christmas gifts for children in need or in foster care in Wyoming County. The generosity of the shoppers has made this a very successful fund raising event for the Club and ensures that children in need or in foster care in Wyoming County, receive at least one toy/gift for Christmas.
The weather does not always cooperate with this event, but our Rotarians are a dedicated group and will not let cold temperatures or inclement weather stop them. In 2014, Candy Cane Day Chairman Matt Pompey related that it was so cold on Black Friday that, “we nearly froze to death, but it was worth it in the end.” The frozen Rotarians and Interactors were very grateful for the hot coffee, cocoa and donuts provided by Dunkin Donuts.
In 2017, Candy Cane Day Chairman Mike Markovitz added an additional collection site. With the generous support of the Black Friday shoppers, a new record amount was collected ($2,600) and shared between Interfaith Friends and Wyo Cty Children and Youth to make Xmas a little brighter for some deserving children.
Chair Mike Markovitz (center) presenting donations for kids Xmas gifts to Interfaith Friends and Wyo Cty Children & Youth